A wonderful winter dish, which, unfortunately, we cook less and less.

The main ingredient of this dish is sour (sauerkraut) cabbage, but no less important is broth. Most of all we love broth from young boar. Cooking broth from such meat (500 grams) takes about 2 hours.

  • Put the meat in cold water. It is not necessary to boil it strongly, rather weak, but constant gurgling.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to remove the scum. Immediately add the peeled onion, which we take out when it is boiled down, bay leaf, black pepper and celery root (if there is one). You can cook broth from beef, pork, moose meat and other types of meat, as for borscht.

In parallel with the broth, we start working on the vegetables.

  • The cabbage (about 500 grams) is cut quite finely and put in a pan with two of tablespoons of olive oil, add the onion, chopped, cover with a lid.
  • After 20-25 minutes, add a few tablespoons of tomato paste and three crushed garlic cloves. Stew another ten minutes.
  • Soak the dry white mushrooms in cold water for a couple of hours, then boil them for half an hour in a small amount of cold water, remove the mushrooms and save the broth.
  • Cut the mushrooms into strips, fry in light olive oil for 5 minutes. When the broth is ready, take the meat out of it and add the cabbage, mushrooms and mushroom broth.
  • Cook on low heat for fifteen minutes, add salt and chopped parsley and cook for another 5 minutes.

The soup ready, although it is better to leave it for the night outside or in the refrigerator – it will be much tastier the day after.

Traditionally, the soup is eating with vodka, but a mature white Burgundy also perfectly accompanies this dish.