Every year, on February 23, St with his friends goes to Sergey Ilyich Vorobyov's bathhouse near Moscow.

The suburbs of Moscow and Paris (Fontainebleau, where St teaches) are divided into two time zones and six hours of the road, so sometimes St does not go to a bathing session. To compensate for such a colossal loss, Al came up with something in Cadiere. This is not a dish, but an event in memory of Stirlitz (hero of the Soviet TV Series “17 Moments of Spring”), in which there is a culinary component – potatoes baked in a fire. And there are still stars that play a key role in the event because without them nothing is visible.

The event in memory of Stirlitz takes place in our Cadiere forest. We collect provisions – potatoes, lamb ribs, black bread, salt, pepper, matches, wait for darkness and go to the forest.

We find the place we like, collect and make a fire, while we burn wood and admire the starry sky, remember the film “17 Moments of Spring”, drink to the memory of Vyacheslav Tikhonov and Yulian Semenov. Then fry the ribs on the coals and bake the potatoes in the ashes.

In “Seventeen Moments”, Stirlitz washed down a baked potato with something strong from a pot-bellied bottle, from cognac of France. We do didn’t change the geography, but have reduced the degree in accordance with the trends of the 21st century – we drink the red Bandol of Gros Nore. Although in the night of Cadiere, it seems completely black.